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WNCQG Monthly Newsletter

To advertise in Grainlines, Click Here

Advertise in Grainlines

The Western North Carolina Quilters Guild publishes the guild newsletter, Grainlines, the beginning of each month with each issue reaching more than 200 members and, additionally, is sent to other quilt guilds throughout the state.
Our prices per monthly ad are:
Business card $7.00
1/4 page $15.00
1/2 page $25.00
Full page $50.00
Our rules are few and simple:
Copy must be camera ready and accompanied by payment.
Copy and payment must be received by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the following month's issue.
WNCQG reserves the right to refuse ads if space is unavailable or ad is unacceptable.

Download a copy of Grainlines for your review by clicking any of the issue links above.

You may contact us by email at Editor@WesternNCQuilters.org or by US Mail at:

PO Box 2231
Hendersonville, NC 28793-2231

We hope to hear from you.